CBD Health Benefits & FAQ
It can feel like a minefield trying to understand & navigate CBD
Which one is best for me ?
Truth is everyone has different experiences using CBD.
Will it work ? Our CBD has taken people by storm they love it.
Why should I choose your company?
We are passionate about helping you all our CBD products are handmade by Alan.
We chose to be different & wanted to offer you CBD in creams, bath salts, wax melts, candles etc so you are in charge of how & where you use it.
Here is a example if you are suffering with pain in your legs then using the CBD cream by rubbing into your skin is much more better than taking CBD orally your whole body doesn't need it just your legs.
Using our CBD products puts you in charge on how you use it.
Will I get high? & start imagining giant jelly babies doing the Macarena?
Lol did that make you laugh? I hope so! You are all clear no jelly babies will come to you.
The bottom line is you are looking for a solution to a problem you are experiencing & we have the answer with our miracle CBD isolate.
The best part you won’t believe our low prices & don’t need to bother with working out measurements of CBD as our CBD is 100% pure isolate the best highest quality you can get.
If you suffer with any of these symptoms below CBD could be for you.
Anxiety & Depression
Panic attack
Trouble Sleeping
Irritable legs
Pain in joints
Please note we are not medically qualified if you have any medical questions or concerns about using CBD please consult with your GP.
You must be over 18 years old to use CBD
We are passionate about helping you relieve pain with our natural holistic approach but we
cannot guarantee any cure of conditions.
Our CBD is a anti-inflammatory pain relief made into Bath Salts, Spray, Wax Melts, Cream, Candles, Deep Exfoliation, Roll On & more.
Offering you ease & relief when you use our CBD.